More than half of all Ukrainian citizens have lost their jobs due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Among them, thousands of artists are left without a way to show or sell their work. Many of them are mothers, whose craft would usually represent a significant part of their family’s income.

This presents a unique opportunity to purchase world-class art, while supporting Ukrainian artists and their communities.

Browse below to acquire a piece that you’ll cherish forever!

100-500 1-100 500+ Accessories Animation Baby Goods Ceramics Clothes Digital Embroidery Fine Art for hire Home Decor Illustration Jewelry Multimedia Patterns Sculpture Tattoo design Textile Art Toys Ukrainian Ethnic Art Woodwork

Larisa Muromtseva

Robert Borynskyy / BR.


Juliya Sorokotyaga

Olga Sidelnikova

Olha Vlasenko

Viktoriia Kush


Zina Kramar

Anastasiia Viktorova

Ivan and Hanna Dudnyk / Vrabec Studio

Oksana Nezhdanova


Kateryna Oliinyk

Natalia Makhotina

Anastasia Chebunina

Alyona Koshkina

Alina Trush

Displaying all 18 of 18