For buyers
This is a catalog of artists - for your convenience, we have gathered the most important information about artists that have work to sell and/or are looking for jobs. We have made it as easy to use as possible. You will find artists that work in different genres, in different mediums, from different backgrounds. On each page you can find pertinent information about the artist - their price range, their story, and a link to where you can purchase their goods or contact them. We are continuing to update our catalog with new artists. The order in which artists are displayed is also shuffled every few days.
What we are not
We are not a store. We can not legally or logistically transact through our website and facilitate sales. We can not ensure any sales, and we can not enforce anything on the artists.
The Ukrainian postal service has proven to be working with only a small delay - we have personally ordered over 10 different items from different regions of Ukraine.
We put a lot of trust into the buyers and sellers, but ultimately it is up to the seller to decide to sell, and the buyer to buy.
We are not responsible for any unsuccessful transactions or undelivered goods.
We have provided extensive instructions to the artists, some of whom do not speak English, on how to set up their stores or Instagram pages. We have given our artists all the needed instructions on how to ship their products and receive payments. We have no way to enforce this, but we have asked our artists, even the ones with no experience in selling, to communicate and work professionally–and we ask you to be understanding and patient.
If you have had an issue with one of the artists, you can reach out to us at [email protected] and we will remove them from the website.
Some things you should know
Artists will require 100% prepayment.
It is the buyer’s responsibility to pay delivery fees, but shipments for small and medium goods from Ukraine via UKRPOSHTA rarely exceed $25. If the artist is located in the EU, the price may be much higher. Large paintings will be different - but this is something artists will always communicate with you ahead of time.
It is helpful to understand that the Ukrainian economy is vastly different from the American economy: the official minimum wage in 2021 was $1.1/hour, while gas prices are as much as $6/gallon. $10 in Ukraine (during peaceful times) can feed an adult for 3-4 days. People work 60 hour weeks just to be able to pay their utility bills in some cities. Currently prices on all goods and services have doubled, while wages are expected to drop in the coming months.
Therefore, we ask you to not make artists responsible for the transaction or shipping fees - every dollar they make from their artwork is money that can feed them.
Some artists are currently located in occupied territories. Their situation changes daily. Artists will communicate with you whether they can ship an order right now or not. You can offer to prepay an order anyway - if you are feeling generous - but this is neither required nor expected.
Artists who make large scale paintings or sculptures are required to get a special permit when shipping their artwork, to prove that it is not a recognized cultural heritage item of Ukraine. This may delay the shipment of your order by a couple of weeks - only a few of the offices and museums which issue such permits remain open, and the artist will need to receive a physical permit from them before they can ship their work to you.