Julin Gift

Location before the war
Kyiv πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
Current location
Lviv πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
Price range
From $35
My mother taught me to knit from childhood. But for a long time I did not have enough time for this, because I was engaged in professional work and building a life. But after tragic events, knitting helped me get out of stress, and taught me to live and dream again. And now the war has come to our home. Our life has come to a halt, but it is very important to help and continue to live. Again, I started knitting socks and hats for the Armed Forces, and began to reproduce my creative ideas.

How you can help Julin today

Julin has finished physical products available for purchase. She will donate 10% of income to volunteer organizations.
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