Kristina Korniychuk

Location before the war
Sokolivka Village πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
Current location
Sokolivka Village πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
Price range
$3 to $5
At first it was very difficult, because it seemed that everything had lost its meaning. But then our precious customers started saying that they really missed our stickers. We resumed work and realized that our mission is to support people in such a difficult time. It is still difficult morally, because I suffer from imposter syndrome. That's why I force myself to make a living and the economy to develop.

How you can help Kristina today

Kristina has stickers in stock for sale, and digital work in stock for sale. She will donate 20% to volunteer organizations.
Visit Kristina's store on Etsy β†—