Juliia Mazur

Location before the war
Odesa πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
Current location
Odesa πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
Price range
$3 to $11
Before putler (ed. putin), everything was fine. There were many sales, planned to expand in May, buy equipment. Now I shudder even from the boiling kettle, it seems that it is a flying bomb. In my city so far everything is relatively normal. The damage is not great. But life will never be the same.

How you can help Juliia today

Juliia has physical work in stock for sale.

Up to 10% of income Juliia donates to Ukrainian volunteer organizations and to local animal shelters.
Reach out to Juliia via her Website β†—